Drafts in your windows cause discomfort especially during the cold season when chilly air enters through the small gaps found in the window frames and sashes. This problem also drains energy significantly, causing an uptick in your monthly bills.
New windows can greatly affect the beauty, comfort and protection of your home.
At Polk Contracting, Inc., we believe that windows can greatly affect the beauty, comfort and protection of your home. In this post, your local insurance restoration contractor tackles the immediate benefits of window replacement. Enhanced Comfort You will notice a significant improvement in your home’s indoor temperature when you switch from single pane to multi-pane windows. The material of the window frame affects how well a window insulates. Energy-efficient windows… Continue Reading
Your Guide to Shopping for New Windows
Your windows are one of the most important parts of your home; not only can they enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal but its energy efficiency as well. With that in mind, it’s understandable to want to pick the best windows for your home. Unfortunately, the selection process can be difficult for some. But, our expert window installation and siding contractors from Polk Contracting Inc have tips to help you shop for better… Continue Reading
How Water Quality Affects Window Cleaning
It’s spring and you might be keen on doing some window cleaning. But did you know that the quality of the water you use can actually be a factor on how well you get the job done? In this post, window and door contractor Polk Contracting, Inc discusses this and more.
Signs That Say You Need New Windows
A lot of people will avoid the cost of window replacement as much as possible, but you will hate the consequences of keeping your faulty units for too long. Although it takes a trained eye to diagnose window issues, you should know something’s wrong upon seeing these red flags: